Coeylen Barry
June, 2018.
May, 2019
Vision: Help people understand that there are many different ways to see the world around us. By shifting our perspective we can understand the world differently and uncover unexpected opportunities.
Specific Idea: A children’s book that is told through the eyes of a small child whose friend continues to show him/her different ways to see the same situation.
Perspectives to understand:
Children of multiple ages living in a variety of locations
Parents with varying values
End Result/Global Impact: A children’s book that is beautifully illustrated and captivates both children and parents alike. The book will be translated into a variety of languages and distributed around the world so that every family has access to the experience.
Experiments along the way:
Sharing early visuals with a variety of target audiences to get reactions
Reading prototype books with kids and parents to and asking if/how it shifts their perspectives on the world around them.
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Nulla tincidunt eu diam quis tincidunt. Etiam sed nulla sagittis, tristique urna id, porta erat. Vestibulum et erat vel libero ornare mattis. Vivamus elementum quis augue vel gravida. Nunc lorem magna, facilisis ut suscipit nec, iaculis nec nibh. Pellentesque leo arcu, fringilla ut pharetra at.
Cras malesuada vel turpis nec vehicula. Quisque quis neque vitae nulla lobortis aliquam in in turpis. Aliquam sed iaculis lorem. Quisque ac risus nulla. Nulla dictum velit nec nunc interdum varius. Phasellus vehicula sapien nulla, at interdum leo eleifend vitae. Mauris ullamcorper auctor laoreet. Ut varius libero ut sem ornare, id ultricies ipsum aliquet.