Fellowship News

Podcast - Episode 4

In this episode we speak with 2024 Mira Fellow Apekshita Varshney about preventing heat deaths in India through her project, the Heat Watch

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How to Get Back in The Saddle

When you’re chasing big ideas, inevitably things don’t work out. The chances of something not going to plan on a journey to change the world is right around 100%. We’ve all had the experience, whether we’re changing the world or not. You set out on a trip to the grocery store with a careful list of everything you need and the moment you leave the house the obstacles begin. You forgot your keys. There’s too much traffic. There’s no parking. They’re out of your favorite crackers. The bananas aren’t ripe. The checkout line takes forever. Any effort rarely goes to plan. Everything pushes back and you can quickly lose your ability to hope. Why is the world against me? If hope goes, you might just give up. — Read more on Medium

Podcast - Episode 3

In this episode we speak with 2022 Mira Fellow Seanan Fong about building community and honoring our life journey through his project, the San Francisco Contemplarium

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5 Idea Commitment Types

July 29 20204: Last time we talked a little about the beginnings of a big idea. We offered 7 strategies that might help you nip your idea in the bud. Now we come to the next stage of a big idea. The C word. Commitment. This is where things can get squirrely. You never know when your idea is going to turn to you over a causal burrito and ask innocently, “Where do you think we are right now?” Or, “Should we define this?” Or, “Are you ready to make this your life?” If you’re not ready for that conversation you’ll be fighting from your back foot for the rest of time. The key is to know how to avoid those conversations by recognizing them before they begin. Read the rest on Medium…

Podcast - Episode 2

In this episode we speak with 2023 Mira Fellow Sudarshan Mahajan about building children's confidence through storytelling with his project Tiny Mic Story

Once you’ve had a listen fill out our quick survey so we can make the next one even better.

The Mira Fellowship Podcast

Our first Podcast! Listen in and get to know the life and work of 2021 fellow Nita Evans. In the past three years she’s built Kommit Sports, an incredible and supportive community of black athletes from the ground up — ensuring that everyone who enters college with a ball in one hand leaves with a degree in the other.

Once you’ve had a listen fill out our quick survey so we can make the next one even better.

7 Strategies for Getting in Your Own Way :)

Feb 28, 2024: So you had an idea. It happened. It was big and it’s hanging around. It pops up in the shower or on your commute to work. This isn’t just an idea for redecorating the living room. This is an idea that might change things. It might stir the pot. It might improve people’s lives. It might right some wrongs. It might cure some injustices. It might just make the world a better place. Read the rest on Medium…

Mira Fellowship on We Are For Good

An interview with the incredible people over at We Are For Good. Get to know our founders and learn more about what it’s like to join our community and become a fellow.

Mira 2024 on ProFellow

Feb 20, 2024: Together we are building a blueprint for our cultural future by reframing our most intractable issues and discovering solutions that empower individuals to action. Throughout history, monumental change has come from simple shifts in perspective. More on ProFellow…